
World War Z (2013)

Today we watched World War Z starred by Brad Pitt. I was really excited to watch this movie because not only that it's a Zombie Film, but also it is made by Max Brooks, author of the book of the same title and the Zombie Survival Guide.

I essentially no doubt, loooove Zombie film, EVER! I'm a huge fan and I've waited like months for this movie; I think t'was March or Feb when I first saw the trailer, I was really moved By it like, YEEAH another Z-film! Man this ones going to be awesome, plus the fact that Brad Pitt is the Bida.

Also, as a fan of Max, first of all, I have to say that this movie and the book he made (i.e. Zombie Survival Guide) totally contradicts. Especially on how the Zombies moves and stuffs, but oh well, I understand him, he made the Zombies more of a super zombie in this version.

For you to understand what I'm talking about, I'll quote you some of his' words from his book:
  1. Then walking dead tend to move at a slouch or limp. Even without injuries or advanced decomposition, their lack of coordination makes for an unsteady stride....
  2. ...zombies appear to be incapable of running. Fastest have been observed to move at a rate of barely one step per 1.5 seconds.
  3. The time table below outlines the process of an infected human (give or take several hours, depending on the individual).
    1. Hour 1: Pain and discoloration (brown-purple) ofvtje infected area immediate clotting of the wound (provided the infection came from the wound).
    2. Hour 5:  Fever (99-103 degrees F), chills , slight dementia, vomiting, acute pain in the joints.
    3. Hour 8: Numbing of extremities and infected area, increased fever (103-106 degrees F), increased dementia, loss of muscular coordination.
    4. Hour 11: Paralysis in the lower body, overall numbness, slowed heart rate.
    5. Hour 16: Coma.
    6. Hour 20: Heart stoppage. Zero brain activity.
    7. Hour 23: Reanimation.

I am not saying that I didn't liked the movie, no. Actually the movie was great. Although I feel that I'm kind of lagged behind, the movie didn't tell how'd the infection came to New York (where Brad and his family lived), just a huge explosion and boom, zombies all over the place.

Overall, well... I don't know but for me, the movie plays from 3.5 to 4 star. But well, Brooks delivered a Z-film in a different way, not the Hollywood Zombie film where zombies are all bloody and decomposed. This one is good, I might have just been used to those mainstream zombie look.


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