My Dota Experience

So today, I shall tell you my DotA Experience. Well, First of all I'm not good at playing DotA at all. Haha, I usually be the filler of the game but anyways, I blogging this now 'cause I want you to know how I feel really good after it, and how it affects my health, medical conditions....nah, just kidding! LOL! And speaking of LoL, have you heard of League of Legends? They say its a great game, just like DotA but not really..

Well, while playing DotA on a computer cafe, one thing you must remember before landing on a PC, make sure that the Air conditioner is not directing towards you. Trust me, its like freezing your hands like what happened to me last time I play, I can barely move he mouse! Haha.

Also a major CONFIDENCE. Yeah, whenever I play this thing with my friends I usually panic and stuff, especially during a clash as if that I'm being frozen not knowing what to do! (again lets laugh at it. HAHA!) Really, Playing with AI is really different with playing with "real" people... Actually, I usually dominate the game with it, being Godlike in a matter of 20 minutes and end the game afterwards, well, I really should spend more time playing with real people huh?

I tell you people, my choice of Heroes according to my likings, Enchantress (well, until they they moved Impetus to level 6, I started to get bored with her), Barathrum (He rocks! He crushes his enemies with his...what the hell is he carrying anyway? Incense? And what's the use of the axe anyway?) and lastly Viper. Viper is cool, he slows his' enemies down and kill them before they get any closer. I liked that, as if its a slow death. He is also good in mano-a-mano with either strength type or intelligence type heroes. But watch of of Omniknight with his repel, Viper is useless.

I tell you why I like this three Champions, first with Enchantress. I like her for she's the first hero I've ever played. Her impetus rocks especially for the INT type heroes. 

Also she can support her allies with her Healing Wisps which is really an essence in a clash or push. With her healing capabilities, her allied will not have any problems with their health.

Her Enchant skill is also great for slowing down enemy heroes together with the effect of Untouchable plus Shiva I bet that hero afflicted will no longer move.

Next is Barathrum, I only use this hero recently and amazed by his stunning bashes. He is weak   at the start but in middle and later game, he can now kick some ass, also I kinda liked his charge of darkness skill for it saved me cash from Scroll of town Portal. All I to do is to target an enemy hero on a selected lane from the well and charge! I can get there quickly and efficient! He's so resourceful!

Also, his greater bash is great, able knock down enemy heroes and disable them for some time and can kill lots of creeps! He's strong and has a high defense plus armor him with Vanguard and Life stealing accessory, he's unstoppable! And when they try to escape, use Nether strike!

And of course, Viper. Viper is a great hero, he's a great supporter. He can slow down heroes with his Viper Strike and his first skill. 

Well, I've got nothing more to say to this hero. But on the contrary, he's really good! I found him more useful with STR type champions. Able to slow them down massively.

Well, as you can see. I'm kind of a newbie in this stuff, so I'm still learning this game and I hope someday....just someday, I'll be better at playing this crap.

You can download the latest DotA map here.Also you can search for more information about other heroes by clicking here.


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