The Signs (2002)

The Signs is a 2002 mystery, sci-fi, thriller movie by M. Night Shyamalan (Manoj Nelliyattu Shyamalan). The movie covers most about teh ruckus of Aliens taking over the planet harvests us causing Graham's faith as a Reverend to test.

Like in my previous blogs, I've always put a comment on how the movie progresses, is it slow? fast? boring? Well on this one I think its just...meh. I found it in the end that the scenes are all connected and gives important information in the end so I'd say its just fine.

I like the concept of Aliens trying to get hold on Earth but some things are just ain't right for me for some things as well are left unanswered and just simply skipped.

The movie is great oh yes but then again some scenes are somehow far strayed off, (my opinion) I think the death of Graham's wife has really nothing to do with the story though she does says something about he last message to her family especially the "Tell Merill to swing away" part where Merill killed the Alien by batting it on and off and throwing some water onto its face; which reminds me of this part in the end which really boggles me, what was the Alien's purpose on landing on Earth? It wasn't stated in the movie as well as the Veterinarian Rey Reddy's (hey he's the director!) purpose. He only did is to trap the Alien behind his Pantry door and the rest is like poof! I didn't even know if he survived or not? Also in at the ending where the Alien sprayed this "mist" on Morgan, was it a healing spray of a poison gas (okay, since Morgan was alive speaking I assume it is a Healing spray)? If it is, why did the Alien did that? What is with Bo's strange premonitions? At the ending itself, it was infilling, it feels nothing as if I were cut down in the middle of a climax? i must say the movie ended badly how  wished they sum all things up and give better ending like saying "every one's okay!" or some sort.

Bottom line, the movie is watchable. You see the movie poster is really catchy so I had a very high expectation on it like Human-Alien encounter-combat  and hordes of them but nah. A real eye-candy though.


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