Attack the Block (2011)

Attack the Block. Seriously? From the Director of Shaun of the Dead? Well, to tell you people directly, I basically didn't like the movie that much and why did all these things coming down from the sky? For the movie poster, I got all hyped up the moment I saw the poster it was like, matrix, sci-fi outer space movie like Inception or Sunshine but ITS NOT.

I was totally bored the entire movie and actually the movie is not so really entertaining. And I rather watch Ben 10 to see these creatures in action...huh? So these creatures are not from Ben 10?

Bottom line, I've expected too much from this movie. The movie leaves me questions in the end. The movie ended prematurely and was that even an ending? Its more like a cut then bang the end no sign of happy or bad ending as if you're withdrawing at the moment of the climax, get the picture?Also, the Gangs and stuffs put me off the movie completely.


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